Wildlife management covers a wide range of animals and not all need to be controlled. A lot are protected for example badgers, bats and snakes are protected and can not be handled or disturbed. In some cases like badgers a good solid fence or an electric fence will keep them out of your garden. However if they decide to use your garden as a den then you have little choice but to let them get on with it.
In all these cases HawkEye would recommend you contact Natural England
When dealing with rabbit control there are several methods that can be used i.e. Long netting, trapping, ferreting, shooting and gassing.
Long netting
Has been used for generations and can be an effective way of trapping rabbits. By fitting the net along the boarders of the rabbit burrows while the rabbits are out feeding you can then chase the rabbits back into the net and humanely dispatch them. There are other variations on this design which include Drop nets and lift nets. These allow you to set the nets up in place and wait for the rabbits to come out to feed lifting or dropping the net in place at a later time when there are sufficient amount of rabbits out to catch.
Has also been used to catch rabbits for generations as far back as the Egyptians. It is rare that a well feed ferret will kill a rabbit underground generally the smell of the ferret will chase the rabbits out of their buries and into purse nets positioned around the entrances. Where we can dispatch the rabbits humanely.
Wildlife management Contracts
We can offer a long term solutions for rabbits, squirrels, moles and dear because one job will only deal with the infestation at that time and in many cases re-infestation will occur. We can visit your property throughout the year controlling these pests, keeping damage down to an absolute minimum.