Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Treatments start from £155.00 + VAT internally only external treatments are £50.00+ vat per visit.
Grey squirrel was introduced from the USA and unlike our native Red Squirrel are not protected. As a result of a disease called squirrel pox which the Greys are immune to but carry. Our native red squirrel has been subsequently killed off and only survive today in small pockets around the country.
Reasons for control
- They strip bark from trees in order to lick the sap. This causes damage to older trees and will kill saplings
- They make nests called Dreys generally in trees however they can also make then in any lofts space they find suitable.
- They often strip large areas of insulation to build their nests.
- Gnaw through cables and wires. This is especially dangerous as it has been know to cause fires.
- The noise created by Squirrels in lofts can cause great distress to some people.
- They are opportunistic and are attracted to warehouses. Consequently causeing damage to stock.
There are two breeding seasons fo January to March & June to August. A normal litter is about 3-4 young and gestation is about six weeks.
Handling of squirrels should always be avoided especially if they are protecting their young or near its nest. As they can give a nasty bite.
Before commencing any treatment you should contact us for advice on any Rodent infestation and treatment.
If your having trouble or suspect a rodent in your loft CONTACT us at HawkEye Pest Control Today and we will have a technician out asap!